Top Commitment
Working Towards the Realization of a Sustainable Society
Total Commitment Expanding the eco ring in technology and products with a view to achieving a sustainable society.
One of the founding principles of Risu Plastic Group is “to contribute to society as a company.” Amid a society that is undergoing major changes, we are undertaking initiatives aimed at becoming a corporate group that can contribute to society.
Above all, we have a duty to leave a sustainable planet to our children, our children’s children, and to all future generations. Therefore, companies must refrain from corporate activities that burn up the Earth’s depleted resources. It is not only companies that have such a duty; individuals and national governments must also contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. Against this backdrop, I believe that our corporate social responsibility involves grappling with environmental issues such as increasing CO2 emissions, climate change, the destruction of ecological diversity, and the depletion of the Earth’s resources, all of which are social problems that are global in scale.
With a view to contributing to the realization of a sustainable society, we, at Risu Plastic Group, have adopted the slogan “Expanding the eco ring in technology and products", involves expanding the ring of unity among our employees, through which people can achieve a secure and plentiful life, and expanding the ring to our community of trading partners. Accordingly, we are proactively engaging in the development, dissemination, and promotion of environmentally friendly products.
Actively engaged in the development, dissemination, and promotion of environmentally friendly products.
Risu Group is making efforts to shift from oil-derived plastics to plant-derived plastics. Renewable plant -derived plastics can be created again and again as long as you have sunlight, soil, and water. They do not increase CO2 either (carbon neutrality). In the food-packaging field, we have led the way in product development and dissemination activities. In many other industrial fields too, we are driving forward technological progress with a view to productization.
Risu Plastic Group is also making the transition from high energy to low energy consumption. For example, replacing traditional heavy materials with tough and light materials contributes to energy savings, which in turn lead to an overall reduction in CO2 emissions. This way of thinking is referred to as LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). Producing such materials produces a certain amount of CO2, but it will lead to an overall decline in CO2 emissions. We have been working on the development of TECCELL, a tough and light material with a honeycomb structure. In doing so, we have achieved lightweight designs in a variety of products, and at the same time, propelled forward our existing efforts in the recycling of used plastics and the development of rational returnable products. Thus, through our products and services, we have contributed to resource and energy saving and a reduction in CO2 emissions.
Furthermore, the above efforts cannot be advanced unless the products themselves are economical. On top of the technology that Risu Plastic Group has amassed for more than 70 years, we are introducing new technologies and materials that will allow us to continue developing innovative environmentally friendly products. At the same time, the whole team at Risu Practice Group work as one to develop products, which are highly economical from the perspective of our customers, and spare no effort in bringing about a sustainable society.
Representaive Director
Eita Omatsu
RISU Group's Initiative for the Environment
RISU Plastic Group is committed to eco-conception (environmentally conscious design) in product development, starting from the design stage. In addition, we work with our customers to explore technologies, features and mechanisms that contribute to reducing environmental impact, and actively engage in eco-conscious joint development to realize the "Infinite Potential of Plastics".