Initiatives to Decrease CO2 Emissions and Industrial Waste

Social Contributions

Efforts to Reduce CO2 Emissions and Minimize Environmental Impact

Initiatives to Decrease CO2 Emissions and Industrial Waste

Reduction of CO2 Emissions within Factories

To reduce CO2 emissions, we have started electrification of energy-intensive injection molding machines, upgraded utility equipment such as compressors and chillers, and improved the air conditioning systems within our factories. The promotion of energy-efficient facilities, including LED lighting, has been instrumental in reducing energy consumption.

Minimizing Industrial Waste

We actively manage by-products generated during the molding process, such as sprues, by recycling them internally to use as materials. Additionally, we meticulously sort and sell non-reusable by-products, product samples, office paper waste, and metal waste generated within our offices and factories to minimize industrial waste.

Efforts Towards Reducing Food Loss

Addressing the global issue of food waste is crucial, considering the simultaneous problem of food shortages. Food waste, the unavoidable disposal of produced food, is a significant concern in both advanced and developing countries worldwide, including Japan. RISU Plastic Group believes that food packaging containers are essential to reducing food waste. Furthermore, efficient and rational logistics are necessary to minimize damage during transportation. We are actively engaged in developing packaging structures and functional containers, pallets, and logistics materials that contribute to food loss reduction.

Environmental Impact Reduction by the Dai Gifu Building

Dai Gifu Building, our group's headquarters constructed in 2004, plays a role in environmental impact reduction. It features a rooftop garden with greenery and vertical green walls on the west side of the building, contributing to climate change mitigation. Solar panels on the rooftop promote the use of renewable energy, and we actively participate in the Eco Office movement, reducing energy consumption for lighting and air conditioning within the building. The building's efforts in vertical greenery were recognized, receiving the Environmental Minister's Award in 2005.

Declaration to Address the Issue of Marine Plastic Pollution

The Japan Plastic Industry Federation, of which Gifu Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. is a member, has been promoting measures to prevent resin pellet leakage since the early 1990s. Building on this commitment, they initiated the "Declaration Activities to Address the Issue of Marine Plastic Pollution," expanding the scope to include plastic products, as per the "New Four-Year Plan (2017-2020)" approved at their regular general meeting in May 2017.

RISU Plastic Group aligns with this initiative and commits to efforts that will prevent our plastic raw materials and products from contributing to marine plastic pollution. We are dedicated to this cause as part of our ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility.

For more information, click here for official website of the Japan Plastic Industry Federation.