

Maximize athlete performance with top-tier wave absorption performance.

For athletes competing on a 0.01 second margin, waves can have a significant impact. In narrow lanes, not only do waves from neighboring swimmers affect their performance, but so do the reflections of the waves they create.

When you swim alone in a large pool, you can swim without the interference of waves, and it's a more enjoyable experience.

At Risu Kogyo, we have developed lane markers with excellent wave-absorbing properties to create the most swim-friendly environment possible.


"The Ultimate Competitive Environment for Athletes."
※The video stream with audio.


Three Specifications of RL-150T  

Innovative Float Shape

LANE MARKER is not simply a single rope, but rather a series of floats connected to each other. The product was designed with the concept of maximizing wave intake within the floats and preventing outflow to greatly enhance wave absorption capabilities. Specialized terminology has been utilized to describe this product.

Additionally, we have thoroughly examined the buoyancy and positioning of floats, both individually and collectively, to create a 'LARGE ENCLOSURE' within the rope that can effectively capture waves. This approach takes into account not only the buoyancy of each float, but also the strategic arrangement that enables the entire rope to function as a wave-capturing 'LARGE ENCLOSURE.'

Wave-Capturing Box Configuration

The box configuration causes the floats to rotate as they intercept the waves, converting the wave energy into rotational energy for absorption. The coordinated action of individual floats working together to maintain the 'LARGE ENCLOSURE' demonstrates a high level of wave absorption performance.

Foam materials for achieving sufficient buoyancy

To achieve balance, we increased the width and size of the floats and wings using foam materials.

At RISU Plastic Group, we are committed to manufacturing environmentally conscious products. The RL-150T model includes around 30% plant-based plastics.

Maintaining lane ropes can be a time-consuming task, especially when gaps appear. However, RL-150T has made this task much easier with its unique two-part repair float. This float is designed to fill gaps and maintain top-tier wave absorption performance.


Three Specification of RL-150Y

Visually impaired para swimmers and elderly individuals have occasionally encountered injuries when coming into contact with lane ropes. RL-150Y is a product developed to achieve 'ZERO INJURIES' caused by lane markers for swimmers. It incorporates a softness achieved through flexible materials and an elastic float shape, enhancing safety compared to traditional low-foam floats.

  • It also allows for easy release even if fingers are caught.
  • A 3-year-old child's pinky finger, which measures 8mm, cannot fit into the gaps.
  • To absorb force when hands or bodies make contact from the outside, R-shaped wings have been incorporated.
  • The wings are connected only at the base, allowing them to bend and absorb force when fingers make contact.

RL-150Y features a high wave-absorption float shape, leveraging the expertise from RL-150T. This shape is designed to create a 'LARGE ENCLOSURE' where not only individual floats but interconnected floats work in coordination to capture a greater amount of waves.

The lane rope floats are typically made of plastic, which can deteriorate over time due to UV radiation and impacts. RL150Y uses carefully selected materials to enhance durability.

The EVA and PE resins in the material for RL-150Y floats exhibit excellent elasticity and flexibility. They are less prone to hardening in low temperatures, maintaining flexibility even in cold environments, which helps prevent scratches and damage. In addition, EVA resin is highly durable due to its excellent ozone resistance, UV resistance, and low susceptibility to stress cracking.